. Chapter - The Majesty Of Calmness.
. Chapter - The Power Of Personal Influence.
. Chapter - The Royal Road To Happiness.

If you would like to download and listen to the whole audio book click here.
~There is nothing too great of accomplishment for the man who knows the power of his thoughts, and who follows his intuitive leads. By the thought he starts in action unseen forces and can rebuild his body or remold his affairs using his feelings as his guide.

He knows that Source is his supply and that there is a supply for every demand and that his asking in spoken word or thought, releases this supply.

“Ask and ye shall receive.” The answer will come through intuition (or hunch); a chance remark from someone, or a passage in a book, etc., etc. The answers are sometimes quite startling in their exactness.

To read more of either book, download, free The Game Of Life or Your Word Is Your Wand.

The ebooks are in pdf format. If you don't have a PDF reader, click here , it's free.
~Click here to get your free 17-page report on manifesting.
~I give another example of a woman who fearlessly followed a “hunch.” She was working for a small salary when she read my book, The Game of Life and How to Play It.

The thought came in a flash, to start in business for herself and open a Tearoom and Candy Shop. The idea staggered her at first, but it persisted, so she boldly went forth and procured a shop and assistants.

She “spoke the word for supply,” for she did not have money to back her enterprise. It came in miraculous ways, and the shop opened! From the first day it was filled with people, and now it is “crammed jammed”; they stand in line and wait.

To read more of either book, download, free The Game Of Life or Your Word Is Your Wand.

The ebooks are in pdf format. If you don't have a PDF reader, click here , it's free.
~This link is to a website offering a free audio program on attracting prosperity into your life.


If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.

For example: A man came to me asking me to speak the word that a certain debt would be wiped out. I found he spent his time planning what he would say to the man when he did not pay his bill, thereby neutralizing my words. He should have seen himself paying the debt.

Man must prepare for the thing he has asked for, when there isn’t the slightest sign of it in sight.

To read more, download, free The Game Of Life.

The ebook is a pdf. If you don't have a PDF reader, click here , it's free.